Backstory: Carla is the owner of a Canada-based fashion boutique. Carla’s found the most of her success from selling on Instagram Live and in her physical store. During the pandemic, the Live shows were a huge success, bringing a sense of community during a time of global isolation. Her boutique is a hand-curated selection collection based on her personal style and features many well known brands, like Yaya, Melissa Nepton, and Indie & Cold. Before working with us, her Facebook Ads were all focused on bringing traffic to her live shows and traffic to her website.


Increase in Sales in first 2 months


Returns on Ad Spend


Figure Months

What We Did: Carla began working with Trinn Media Co. because she wanted to transition her business model completely online and begin bringing in sales outside of the Live shows and without relying on her physical storefront. Straight away we recognized an opportunity to use her ads to direct people to shop in her online store and freshen up her creative strategy.

Since her Live shows were already a success, we used clips from her shows in her ads as well as outfit styling videos.

Carla’s store was a unique use case for us as her products were primarily sold live and thus had a high turnover. We marketed specific collections in her ads, in some cases marketed store as a whole, and saved other collections to exclusively be promoted during her live shows. This would allow for more longevity of her ads, as some collections would often sell out quickly during the live shows.

The Outcome: Since partnering with Trinn Media Co., Carla saw a 20% increase in sales and consistently got new visitors at her live shows. She continued with her plan of closing the physical storefront and is now selling 100% online.

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